Στις 9-12 Σεπτεμβρίου θα πραγματοποιηθεί το δεύτερο συνέδριο Excellence: Education and Human Development στην Braga της Πορτογαλίας, στο Πανεπιστήμιο Minho.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες θα βρείτε εδώ. Το (κυρίως αγγλόφωνο) συνέδριο προσκαλεί παρουσιάσεις στα ακόλουθα θέματα:
General issues for the development of the world citizens, Promoting Excellence among School Students, Pedagogy for Gifted Talented Students, Talent Development & Human Harmonic/Balanced Development, Exceptional Children, Adult Excellence, School & Higher Education, Informal & Non-Formal Education, Individual Differences and Gender issues, Social constraints, Sports Excellence, Medicine, Music, Graphic and Visual Arts, Performing Arts & Performing Arts Medicine, Neurosciences, Education, Social Sciences & Humanities, Nano and new Technologies, Science Education & Scientific Excellence, Language, Entrepreneurship, Literacy and Excellence, Educating for Excellence, others …
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες θα βρείτε εδώ. Το (κυρίως αγγλόφωνο) συνέδριο προσκαλεί παρουσιάσεις στα ακόλουθα θέματα:
General issues for the development of the world citizens, Promoting Excellence among School Students, Pedagogy for Gifted Talented Students, Talent Development & Human Harmonic/Balanced Development, Exceptional Children, Adult Excellence, School & Higher Education, Informal & Non-Formal Education, Individual Differences and Gender issues, Social constraints, Sports Excellence, Medicine, Music, Graphic and Visual Arts, Performing Arts & Performing Arts Medicine, Neurosciences, Education, Social Sciences & Humanities, Nano and new Technologies, Science Education & Scientific Excellence, Language, Entrepreneurship, Literacy and Excellence, Educating for Excellence, others …